academic schedule | pbing pps unima
Curriculum Structure
Semester | Kode Mata Kuliah | Nama Mata Kuliah | Bobot SKS |
I | 81042120 | Statistics in Language Education | 2 |
81033112 | Research in Language Education | 3 | |
81022105 | Second Language Acquisition and Learning | 2 | |
81022201 | Advanced Linguistics | 2 | |
81022105 | Integrated Skills | 2 | |
81022104 | Modern English Grammar | 2 | |
II | 81022216 | Comparative and Contemporary Literature* | 2 |
81032207 | Cross Cultural Communication | 2 | |
81032206 | Curriculum and Material Development | 2 | |
81032108 | English for Young Learners | 2 | |
81022202 | Discourse Analysis | 2 | |
III | 81033309 | Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages | 3 |
81032211 | Literary Theories and ELT | 2 | |
81042217 | Current Issues on ELT | 2 | |
81032310 | Language Testing | 2 | |
81032314 | Translation in Language Teaching and Learning | 2 | |
81042315 | Academic Writing | 2 | |
IV | 81036413 | Thesis | 6 |
Jumlah SKS | 42 |